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Lars Lehmann

Lars Lehmann

"The Goliath 12 Volt tube bass preamp is a useful little tool for live gigs and studio work. However, it will never add too much colour to the sound, but indeed sound honest and valorize the natural sound of the bass guitar that is being used.
With a minimum of effort users will be able to breathe life, warmth and punch into their instruments sound. Get an impression on how Goliath works by
clicking through the several sound snippets I have recorded
for this homepage. I have no doubt that the Goliath bass preamp will not only expand my collection of preamps und effects in my studio, but will instead be used heavily for most of my upcoming bass recordings".
Thank you very much, Roland!
Lars Lehmann" (bassplayer, clinician, music journalist)


Sebastian Stolz -

Sebastian Stolz

On tour you're usually pretty busy. Every day your equipement needs to be shifted to a new hall or stage. Not to mention the many kilometers you generally have to drive. Usually there's only little time for a soundcheck and everything needs to be done quickly and uncomplicated. And this is where Gnome or Goliath steps in! It enriches the sound of any bass without taking its particular character plus it delivers a high-quality DI signal to the Front of House with which each sound engineer I worked with was enormously pleased.
It's really the perfect tool for professionals.


Ralf Gauck -


I was looking for a simple but noble studio preamp for my bass, which has the audiophile clarity and produces the warmth of a tube.
Easy to use, without many control elements, to reproduce the sounds of my bass as natural as possible. So far I always had the problem, that all the tube devices produced too many background noises. With the WRA Gnome Tube DI, I have found a line device, which exactly produces, what I had in my mind- a clean bass signal with the warmth of a tube. I send my bass signal simply through this DI and get at the output a noble and warm sounding signal.
Thanks Roland!

(Ralf was so dear and made a video about the gnome which you can see here)


Christian Eller

Christian Eller

In short: pure tube sound, lots of functionalities and high-quality parts with all possible convenience! That's the formula for success, and Roll's products have moved all of my tube-pedals I used so far to the second rank. The Goliath is an all-purpose solution for every imaginable use case. In the studio, on stage or in club-sessions - it always cuts a fine figure, either in an extensive row of pedals or as a stand-alone preamp.
By means of deep and sensitive-switch and the passive equalizer section you can also purposefully apply advanced modifications of sound. The Lehle LTDI-L transmitter in combination with the bypass switch for the TRS plug even allows giving the signal to FOH and InEar simultaneously with different settings. With the Gnome Roll's follows a concept not seen before. Tube-sound in midget format featuring Lehle-DI, sensitivity switch and tube/dry switch for the TRS plug. It was immediately clear that the Gnome would be a steady guest in my gig bag. Whoever is looking for a tube-DI-box in miniature format with a big sound should make sure to try out the Gnome.
Thanks a lot, Roll, for these two fantastic products!!! Handcrafted in Luxembourg.


Gregor Fris

Gregor Fris

The Goliath ended my year-long search for a tube preamp that can give me a bit of this feeling,
big tube amps only seem to be able to. Means the warmth, the compression and the saturation.
Of course it’s not exactly like that, but it’s probably the closest we’ll ever get.
It’s colorful and clean at the same time and it can go both ways, depending on what I need.
It’s a fine little helper that I don't want to miss in my bass recording tool box ever again.


Check out the new video test about the two Goliaths, on youtube, done by ""
"WR Goliath Plus Tube Bass Emphasizer DI" & "WR Goliath Light Tube Bass Emphasizer "


Louis Müller (Gnome Soundtrack !)

Louis Müller

„I feel like the GNOME DI extends the range on all of my basses.
The lows are lower and the highs are higher. It adds that nice tube warmth and compression without changing the characteristics and subtleties of each bass. When driving it a little harder, you can get a bit of dirt and more compression out of the GNOME which reminds me a lot of big studio compressor units (1176 Style) that I recorded with. To put it short: The GNOME is the salt n' pepper that spices up your bass sound and gives you a phenomenal signal to work with no matter if studio or live.“
(In own matter: Louis was the winner of the bonedo Gnome contest!)


Jacques Ruppert ""

Jacques Ruppert

"The basis for testing new basswitch products is a custom build, neutral sounding solid state amp/speaker combo. The WR Goliath Tube Bass Emphasizer transforms that set-up in a huge sounding bassamp, allowing to easyly A/B the sound of my products in two different environments, Great job Roland!"


Julien Arpetti


I am a singer songwriter playing acoustic guitar. When I went to Roland and I heard the pedal with an electric guitar, I noticed a difference between the pedal “on” and “of”: a subtle difference, but enhancing the tone with presence in the upper mids and “clear” warmth all over the frequency spectrum. It impressed me, because many pedals are much more spectacular in changing the tone, but I really didn’t want to change my tone: I’ve worked for weeks to get it…This pedal just “reveals” the tone more to the audience, without any doubt, and if not every audience does notice it, you notice it and have a different, more confident attitude towards your sound.
Now the best: after my decision to purchase the pedal, Roland gently asked me if I would like him to adapt some settings of the pedal for acoustic guitar. He told me to come back after two days and the pedal became even better, at least for my needs. What do you want more? Roland is the guy, who, when you would like to eat a boild eggs, would at once take some salt out of his pocket…
    Julien Arpetti


Frida Park Studio ------- Facebook


We’ve been searching for a studio device like that for ages!
Lars Lehmann highly recommended the GOLIATH to us.
Great piece of technology that lifts every bass track of every style to the needed dynamic range. Fits perfect in every mix!
Thanks for inventing this, dear Roland!



Sebastian Seifert info@ebass-dinslaken (teacher)

Hi Roland.
The Goliath arrived yesterday and I checked it thoroughly... everything is fine!
First of all, thank you for your effort and your project. The Goliath looks and feels great.
The sound exceeds my expectations, even if they were high!
The difference in sound and the gain are considerable, even with the clean sound design (without "distortion" or "crunching").
THAT'S EXACTLY how I wanted it.
But what am I talking about, you know the sound... the capacitor is perfectly chosen, so the bass goes where it should go.
The passive tone control is exactly what I want in a tube circuit. I wouldn't want to do without any of the buttons the device has!
This combination really makes "Eich" or "Glockenklang" setups look old. (and that without considering the price... crazy!).
When the Goliath runs alone, I have this creamy fine and yet slightly beefy, soft tube sound par excellence with these pleasant highs (yelp!!!).
But now when I switch on the transistor, I get a sound that I didn't expect. I've never had anything like this before!
Thank you very much again for that. A tone like the one I have now is rare at the moment... I think.
I think I like it better than, for example, a Monique amp or a Nobel preamp. One is less concrete and the Nobel one is a bit too clean...
Many greetings from sound heaven, Sebastian


Dan Blaga - (VanDerCris)


It's easily the best preamp I've ever had/played in my entire career.
From the moment I plugged my basses in it, they suddenly came alive.
When it comes to recording, I managed to instantly get a much fatter
and clearer sound than what I had before, with no effort whatsoever.
In terms of live signal, it's top-notch, once again, as I've already
gotten plenty of great feedback regarding the sound. Finally,
I've also had the chance to hear the signal in my in-ear monitors,
and I can honestly say that my bass has never sounded as good as it does now.


Dennis Moon - "Buddha Trixie" - "M.A.G.S."

Dennis Moon

After years of searching for the elusive bass sound in my head and on all my favorite records, the Goliath has given me a sense of consistency, reliability, and peace of mind. Its amazing, tube-like tone perfectly suited for recording or stage, and the design and construction are top-notch, even eye-catching! As all bassists know, when we fire up our rig we want to be inspired, and not lost in a sea of unsatisfying options, forced to endlessly tweak knobs only to lose the low-end punch and hi-mid articulation as so many traditional stompboxes tend to lack. I've tried it all, and the immediate difference I noticed in using the Goliath was how it feels. As the name implies, the tone coming out is 'your' sound, beautifully enhanced by the smooth eq and slight compression coming from the Goliath. The deep and contour switches allow artists to tweak their sound to perfection, and the tube saturation is to die for. This quality of a preamp checks all the boxes and allows the unique voice of each bass you own to come through like never before. The Goliath will serve as a one-stop-shop for unreal bass tone. I believe it to be more or less impossible to get a 'bad' sound with it.
Thanks Roland!!


Tim Steiner -


I was looking for a D.I box to use on tour and in the studio. I finally can say that the Gnome does make his job as a warm sounding felxible multitool. I´m using it right know in combination with the lehle basswich EQ. Straight in the mix or in combination with the Amp , if in ear Monitoring or stage sound, it is what I was looking for.
Thank you, Roland!


Ove Bosch (†)"" "Wendrsonn" "Warwick BassCamps"

Ove Bosch

Finally every-thing's settled!
I had been searching for a DI box that would give my sound that certain something on its way to the mixer for a long time. After trying out quite a few devices in the course of time, some better, some less satisfying, friends and colleagues recommended this box ( "WR Tube Bass Emphasizer DI") to me. And what can I say - my sound has become richer in the full sense of the word. It's more alive and dynamic, and is clearer and better identified in the overall mix of the band. On the in-ear monitor it sounds tight and more precise in the mix. The sound of my Class D Lightweight Amp becomes warmer and rounder with the Goliath. After a short test I knew for sure, that it's got to be the Goliath; the search is over.
Thank you for the awesome piece of equipment an your kindness.
Yours, Ove Bosch


Pol Belardi -

Pol Belardi

First of all I'm really happy to have the opportunity of putting this preamp to the acid test and to be entitled to comment on this. Incidentally I have to subjoin, that up to now I have rarely played with preamps on regular occasions since I still believe in choosing a good instrument and the actual source of sound, the bass player and his fingers. But nonetheless a little technical help won't hurt, and having said this I'm enthused by the results using the Goliath. The diversity of sound is very pronounced: from pearly sounds rich with harmonics (optimal for tapping or sophisticated finger techniques) to nicely growling Precision-low-mids and finally almost synth-like dublines, everything is possible. You can have fun playing off the generously chosen adjusting knobs against each other to find your favourite setting for ever y situation. What is amazing though is the fact that every sound over all ranges gains warmth, which comes dangerously close to the feeling of a classical tube amplifier. So close actually that your spine will be grateful for not always having to drag along a Hiwatt or Ampeg SVT Classic. Besides treble, bass and mids of course the main volume can be adjusted. The back of the device features a"Deep" - switch which adds a lot of low-end. My Version has an essential innovation: a sensitive input-gain potentiometer that continuously controls the input gain which to me is a very felicitous upgrade, specially if you own several basses with quite different output (in my case a '73 Fender Jazz Bass with a rather low output, a '83 JV Squier Precision Bass with a lot of power and a Leduc Masterpiece, which has an extremely powerful but ultra clean sound). Concerning the manufacture the clue is in the name! Indestructible, which is a necessity for gear intensively used on tours. Conclusion: The Goliath Bass Emphasizer feels great and gives you kicks! I don't see it as a permanent companion, which should be used in absolutely every band an every concert, but even better: it broadens the sound palette of a bass player enormously and you should always have it within reach. If bassline or sounds don’t really seem convincing at times, maybe adding a little tube warmth from the Goliath just solves the problem like magic. To give an analogy from photography: who is not inspired by the often barely noticeable, but still existing image noise in old analog photographs, which gives the picture unexpected mystical depth and vibrancy... this is exactly what the Goliath does with my bass sound!
Pol Belardi, January 2017


Jan Herrmann

Jan Herrmann

Report WR Gnome light DI.
I have been using the GNOME DI for some months both as a tube preamp connected to a Markbass Little Mark 3 and as a tube DI box on stage, from where the signal goes directly into the mixer. Utilized as a preamp, besides adjusting the gain, there is merely the option to accentuate the hights in two steps. Apart from that the signal passes the device without further processing. Except that the tube enhances the tone in its way. It adds a noble and warm colour to the Class D tone of the Markbass. The tone of the bass is slightly compressed, it becomes more assertive and richer in overtones. It sounds very, very good like a tube. Subtle, but just right. With grip! The choice of frequencies of the two-step adjustment of the hights is felicitous, it brings out the click of the notes' attack, without emphasising string noises on frets. It can add brilliance even to older strings. When I use it as a DI box I send the signal directly to the FOH. He is very satisfied with it, and leaves it practically without working the EQ, with the exception of minor adjustments to the room. The sound corresponds to the sound you get in front of the amp. You may switch off the tube, but I don't see any reason to do so.
The gnome is always switched on.


Jürgen Dorn - NID DE POULE - die band o-ton

Jürgen Dorn

Yesterday I played a very nice gig using the Gnome. The setup was: double bass with FullCircle PU - Basswitch (without equalizer, just looped through) - Gnome - amp: Aguilar AG700 (sound set to almost neutral) - FMC 112 and 208 speakers. The sound was powerful, warm, punchy and very transparent (even tough I set the Presence switch of the Gnome to neutral too, so no additional highs). The control dial was set to 4. The bass fitted perfectly into the band's sound. I am most happy with the gnome and am eagerly promoting it. I really tried a lot of preamps, but the Gnnome is what I have been looking for as far as sound is concerned.
Thanks a lot! Jürgen


Till Mohr (session bassplayer)

Till Mohr

"The search is over! I was always lookin' for an preamp with clarity and punch and the warmth of a tube amp.
I thought that's an impossible combination and just a wish I was searching for,
until I have tried the WR Goliath DI. I'm a session player in different genres,
playing with different basses, no matter which situation, this pretty little box will make your bass sound better,
on stage or recordings. I'm a big fan of my Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 and always convinced
with the DI signal, but in comparison, the Goliath DI is so much better, deeper, brighter, that I never wanne miss that preamp!
Thank you Roland for building such amazing tools for bassplayers!


Kåre Nonstad - Boogie Nights Band

Kåre Nonstad

I got the Goliath after reading about it on the net and contacting Roland for advice. I was after a preamp with tube colouring, but not an overdrive or distortion box. Having grown up with Marshalls and Ampegs, I still want that tube growl, but I have graduated to Markbass and GR pure amps and love the ease, dependability and precision in these modern amps. So I got the Goliath, and boy did it deliver. Sturdy piece of equipment. Looking great. Very easy to use and very useful controls. As I play a Stingray with Harry Haussel pickup, I really need the sensitivity control. The tone controls are efficient, and after tuning the sensitivity, I can dial in just the amount of tone enhancement I want via the volume control. The Goliath gives my sound
much more of a 3D quality. It is always on and feeds into a TC spectracomp. It is a little bit hard to describe, but as the other users have said, words like “juicy” and “punchy” comes to mind. The deep is a little bit more deep, the highs are clearer and so on. My sound guy says it is the best bass sound he have ever heard, so I am happy. The Goliath helps my bass sound cut through the mix and makes it clear
and distinct. As I currently play in a seventies disco band, the bass is very present in the soundscape. When I do hard rock stuff, the bass sound is now the best I have sounded through 35 years of playing (loudly). I highly recommend The Goliath and Roland is a great guy to communicate with. He knows his stuff.

Kåre Nonstad (Norway)


Andreas Schwenke

Andreas Schwenke

I play this little Wonder- Box with my Nylon Electric Guitar and it is the missing link, which adds livelyness and warmth to the tone so that it becomes more dynamic and the charakter of the instrument shines out beautifully. I use the Gnome also for recording with an Archtop and an acoustic steelstring- it works fantastic!
And at least the handling: it's a real must have!!


Wolf-Ruprecht Schwarzburger (Rupi)

Schwarzburger Wolf Rupi

Meanwhile I have checked out the GNOME in different situations during several weeks. I have to admit, that now the GNOME is indispensable for my setup. To get this straight: I never had problems with my bass sound, the opposite is the case. But with the GNOME things go one step further, it makes the sound even better, which was good to begin with. In recording sessions it really pimped the sound of my JBs, I love this old tube sound!
The sound's original character is retained exactly, it just gets more defined, compact and has more class. With the fretless it's just unbelievable. Even with double bass the GNOME works great in conjunction with the Basswitch because of the EQ. For recordings I normally use just microphones. Live with the electric Basses it's simply awesome. I just have to plug the GNOME directly into the mixer and monitoring goes via InEar, Wedges or bass amp input - done. Bass plus GNOME - there you go with a super cool sound! The amazing thing is, the Gnome Di Box is so lightweight, that I frequently can go to gigs by train ;-)
So again - thanks a lot! Rupi


Thomas Dölger

Thomas Dölger

Since I play live gigs very often and am quite fed up with hauling all that gear, another solution had to be found. Most of the time the bass also is a little loud with the customary equipment on stage. It is often amplified with the PA. I decided to go for the solution effects unit plus active 12'' speaker. I also wanted a tube sound on stage, and didn't want to do without it in the PA mix. By searching the web I found the Gnome Di Box. Now I'm very content with the sound. Great stage / PA-sound. The Gnome Di Box can be adjusted very flexibly. From clean to SVT-sounds everything is possible. Compliments for such an awesome product.
I highly recommend it, it is worth its price.


Thorben Tschertner


Hello Roland, finally I can give you some feedback concerning the rest! Sound: exactly what I was looking for, tube character, slight compression, true, warm and resonant without tampering with the basic sound. Equalizer: I was very exited about how the frequency bands would effect each other and I am suprised, how simple it is to find the desired sound. I actually just adjust the treble a little depending on the instrument, and I'm done. Workmanship: top quality!
All things considered a great tool.
Best whishes, Thorben


Mike Stanzel

Michael Stanzel

The Power of less. To make long explanations short: The Gnome DI is tiny, but sounds as huge as a tube-full-stack. This is the real deal, the MUST-HAVE, the holy-grail for every serious bass-player who wants to add an true tube-grit, from lighty creamed to full-on SVT compression to any transistor-amp.
Thank you, Roland. My search for THE tube-sound ends here!


Heiko Behrendt "ABBA FEVER"


Hello Roland, today was my rack-tinkering day. The Goliath (WR Goliath Emphasizer"DI") has arrived and it sounds unbelievably good. I had two other, very high-class preamps working to compare with. Your Goliath is top of the ranking. The tube brings elegant warmth and ampleness into my sound. My five-string Stingray sounds so incredibly beautiful. The tone of the instrument remains, but the sound is enhanced. The recorded tracks by Lars Lehmann show this very explicitly. Already now I'm looking forward to the next gigs. Thanks a lot for the fast delivery.
Kind regards from Heiko in Hamburg (...bass section of


Patrick Gruber

Patrick Gruber

The Goliath DI is the perfect „go to“ pedal for my Live - and Studio setup. Four knobs are giving me every soundsshape i need and work great together with all of my passive vintage basses. The tube adds an awesome amount of tube saturation, compression and warmth to my sound.
Especially for recording this little box is my first pedal of choice.


Paul Schneider

Paul Schneider

I was looking for a Pedal produces the warm, sweetening Sound of Tubes, not only on my backline but especially to the DI out. Thank's Roland, I found it. After I saw the video of "" it was a must have to me. This little helper produces the warmth, crispy big sounding Tubes out of the Box and is very easy to handle. The Goliath gives me good harmonic vibration und smooth overtones.
Thank you Roland, great job !


Mikel Azkargorta


The GNOME DI provides me the warm tube-sound I like and enjoy when playing live, but in a package I can carry so easily in the bass case itself!! It makes my bass sound warmer and punchier, but with lots of definition and presence, and helps me get right through the mix. I was looking for such a thing in order to "warm" my setup, and finally got it in the GNOME. And now I can carry my own "sound" just with my bass, two jacks, and the GNOME, no matter which amp I am playing - plug directly to the power section, and there it is. Last, but not least, the GNOME is hand-made with love and taste, and rock-solid. And talking and making business with Roland is as easy as playing through his preamps: everything goes smooth and clear. If I should lose my GNOME I would definitely go for another (or two)!


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