I will continue to assemble Gnomes and Goliaths on-request while I have the necessary components. After this no new units will be built. It is possible though, that it may take several weeks until your ordered device is finished.
I will of course continue to provide customer service where possible.

November 2023

Ich werde auf Anfrage weiterhin Gnome und Goliaths zusammenbauen solange ich noch die notwendigen Komponenten dazu habe.
Danach werden keine neuen Einheiten mehr gebaut. Je nachdem könnte es aber gut sein dass es mehrere Wochen dauert bis dein Gerät fertig wird. Selbstverständlich werde ich, soweit möglich, auch weiterhin den Kundenservice anbieten."

November 2023


Goliath Emphasizer

picture shows the model "Goliath Plus"

NEW 2021:
All Goliath models can now be equipped with an adjustable headphone output.

Surcharge 50 €
(please indicate this when ordering!)


There will be 3 models of the Goliath Tube Bass Emphasizer available:

a) "GOLIATH PLUS" with "DI" output and with Bypass switch = 625 Euro

b) "GOLIATH STANDARD" without "DI-XLR" output however with Bypass switch = 525 Euro

without "DI-XLR" output and without Bypass switch = 475 Euro

The WR Goliath "Plus" is equipped with an
auxiliary “DI-XLR” Output for galvanic isolation ” ("Lehle LTDI-L Transformer")



with "Lehle LTDI-L DI XLR transformer"

Gnome Tube DI

the picture below schows the "Gnome Standard" as well as the "Gnome Plus" version
(the "Gnome Light" version comes without Led indicators!)

there will be 3 models of the Gnome "DI" Box available:

a) "GNOME PLUS" active/passive version with Led indicators = 450 Euro
(passive means: you can use the DI Box also currentless)

b) "GNOME STANDARD" active version with Led indicators = 425 Euro

active version but without Led indicators = 380 Euro

All 3 models are equipped with an
auxiliary “DI-XLR” Output for galvanic isolation ” ("Lehle LTDI-L Transformer")

read more about the "Gnome tube DI"

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me

Use this QR code to load the page directly in your smartphone or tablet-pc

Goliath QRcode